For information on Profiling the Profession projects please see the Profiling the Profession page.
2023 Member survey report (Member login required).
The digital survey is carried out at regular intervals every other year and aims to gather similar information each time. The previous survey was conducted in 2020 and this report covers the results of the 2023 member survey. -
2021 CIRIA Archaeology and development case studies
CIRIA (Construction Industry Research and Information Association) have set up a free publication with case studies about the archaeological aspects of several UK projects including aims of the construction scheme, archaeological challenges/opportunities, approach taken and lessons learned. Many of the case studies are from CIfA Registered Organisations (ROs). Please click here to request your free download -
2020 Note for administrators and liquidators of UK archaeological organisations
If an archaeological organisation goes into administration or becomes insolvent, some very particular considerations will arise for the administrator or liquidator. These relate to the nature of work undertaken, the nature (and ownership) of the products of this work, and the legal liabilities which relate to it (arising from the legal requirements of planning processes). This note seeks to explain, for administrators and liquidators who may have to deal with such an organisation, some of the issues. -
2019 Archaeology and Planning Case Studies report
Authors: Jan Wills, Stewart Bryant
A CIfA report, funded by Historic England, which analyses 118 case studies of archaeological projects undertaken through the planning process.The cases demonstrate how approaches to the assessment of heritage assets and the mitigation and offsetting of harm have delivered a huge amount of new knowledge about England’s past, and have been used to engage communities and share new understandings of a place in ways that bring genuine public benefit. This is also the first study of its kind to provide evidence of how well the process works when it is applied as intended by planning policy, and how heritage assets, development and the public interest can be needlessly damaged when it is not.
2019, RICS Construction Journal November/December
Exploring the past, planning the future
Authors: Peter Hinton and Michael Dawson -
2019, Issue 42 journal Archaeologische
Professional associations and international cooperation: the birth of CIfA Deutschland
Authors: Peter Hinton and Michaela Schauer
Published by journal Archaeologische
Professional archaeology documents
2017 Review of the standard of reporting on archaeological artefacts in England
Author: Alice Cattermole Heritage Consultancy.
In a project instigated by the CIfA Finds Group and funded by Historic England, CIfA commissioned Alice Cattermole Heritage Consultancy to undertake a review of the standard of artefact reporting in England. The project involved the analysis of a sample of 1000 unpublished specialist artefact reports and 61 published specialist artefact reports from journal articles against a checklist of criteria devised to assess their content and quality. .
Unpublished project report for CIfA -
2017 Research into client demand for accredited heritage practitioners
Author: Stephen O'Reilly, Loud Marketing.
A working group, led by CIfA, of the English Historic Environment Forum has undertaken research
into clients’ attitude towards accredited heritage experts (eg CIfA-Registered organisations, or MCIfA, ACIfA or PCIfA archaeologists). The work was intended to establish how to stimulate informed demand for essential skills, recognising that creating demand may be an effective means of ensuring supply.
Published by Loud Marketing for CIfA on behalf of Historic Environment Forum’s Client Demand Task Group and Historic England -
2013 CPD and scoping for the marine historic environment in Scotland.
Author: Wessex Archaeology Coastal & Marine.
Wessex Archaeology Coastal and Marine have released a report into CPD and training provision for the marine historic environment in Scotland. This scoping exercise explored what the heritage sector, including government employees, Local Authority Archaeology Services, professional units, university departments, and individual researchers need to know; availability of relevant training; and gaps in provision; together with options for cost-effective delivery. The exercise also explored what could be done to raise awareness about consideration for marine heritage across industry and other marine management sectors.
Unpublished project report for IfA on behalf of Historic Scotland -
2011 Realising the benefits of planning-led investigation in the historic environment: a framework for delivery.
Author: The Southport Group,
The report provides crucial insight into the present state of the UK archaeological services market. Funded by English Heritage, it presents a vision for new ways of working under PPS5 principles and identifies a series of practical recommendations and actions needed in order to realise these benefits.
The Southport Report is the culmination of a one-year project and consultation over the principles of Planning Policy Statement 5: Planning for the Historic Environment, which recognises the value of the historic environment for understanding identity and place and for its contribution to quality of life and the social, economic and cultural life of the nation.
Many sector bodies have already endorsed the recommendations, and there have already been practical offers of support and funding to take them forward.
More information about the report and the Southport Group is available on the Southport web page.
Published by CIfA -
2004 Measuring the social contribution of the historic environment.
Authors: IFA and Atkins heritage.
Setting the historic environment and social policy background, this report details how with input from experts in other sectors (eg economists, anthropologists and social psychologists) one of a number of potential conceptual models was developed for ways in which awareness of the historic environment might promote social capital and thence a range of social benefits. The National Trust commissioned the Institute of Field Archaeologists (the professional body for archaeologists), working with Atkins Heritage (a specialist team of archaeologists working alongside architects, landscape and planning professionals in Europe’s largest consultancy), to undertake the first stage of a research project.
Unpublished project report for the National trust -
2003 Homes with history
Authors: IFA, Atkins heritage and Waloff Associates.
Heritage is all around us – from buildings, street patterns, parks and gardens to buried remains, our towns are rich in the historical character and the myriad details that contribute to a special sense of place. This booklet contains advice that will enable you, as a social landlord, to rise to the challenge of integrating that heritage into housing schemes, to the benefit of your tenants and the community at large.
Published by IFA, English Heritage and Housing Corporation -
2000 Survey of Archaeological Specialists.
Author: Kenneth Aitchison (Landward Archaeology).
A postal survey of the providers and users of archaeological specialist services. The project was commissioned by the Institute of Field Archaeologists and was jointly sponsored by Museum of London Specialist Services and English Heritage (Archaeology Division) - now held at the ADS.
Published by Institute of Field Archaeologists (Historical Document) -
1999 Statement Of Practice In Comparable Professions (pdf file).
Author: John Stevens Associates.
A report on the structure of careers, progression and training in selected professions drawing comparisons with, and lessons for, archaeology. Commissioned by English Heritage on behalf of the Archaeology Training Forum.
Published by Institute of Field Archaeologists (Historical Document) -
1999 The Institute Of Field Archaeologists: A Self-Portrait (pdf file). An overview of the status and purpose of the IfA, to accompany the 1999 Stevens report.
Published by Institute of Field Archaeologists (Historical Document)