CIfA advocates for archaeology by working to influence policy and decision makers. We build networks and establish trust with politicians, civil servants, sector bodies, and key bodies beyond the sector and we work with those networks when opportunities and threats arise.
You can support this advocacy by
- providing expert advice to CIfA to support our positions on key advocacy objectives
- taking part in discussions with Special Interest and Area Groups to help us develop new ideas and to inform advocacy
- reading and disseminating information from CIfA within your organisation and networks
- writing to your MP to support CIfA’s advocacy on a relevant issue
- attending a local surgery or meeting with your elected representatives
There are excellent guides containing tips of how to write to your elected representatives from the Council for British Archaeology and Rescue: The British Trust for Archaeology.
This page sets out our current advocacy campaigns. It aims to inform you where CIfA has concerns in relation to the protection of the historic environment and to provide you with information to help you write to your MP. You can also download this information as a briefing which you can leave with your representative if you visit a local surgery.
If you would like more information or would like to report back from contact you have had with your MP or other elected representative, please contact
Current advocacy campaigns​