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  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 34 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of includes/bootstrap.inc).
  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 35 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of includes/bootstrap.inc).


CIfA occasionally publishes briefings to support and communicate our advocacy work.

Briefings are short documents which

  • Provide up to date information on issues of interest to CIfA (e.g. policy reform)
  • Set out CIfA's advocacy position and response to particular issues or events
  • Summarise CIfA's advocacy activity related to issues and events
  • Present statements for use by third parties in news stories or for general information

CIfA briefings are sent to media contacts, parliamentarians, other heritage organisations and wider professional colleagues, as well as to registered organisations and individual members, as appropriate.

CIfA policy statements are produced to set out a background and explication of CIfA's advocacy position.

If you are interested in receiving CIfA briefings by email, please send a request to rob.lennox [at] archaeologists.net.

Policy position statements

CIfA- Briefing on NPPF Paragraph 189 (March 2021)

CIfA-CBA - Briefing on Plan Consent & Archaeology for MHCLG (January 2021)

Archaeology and Immigration (February 2020)

Archaeology and immigration post-Brexit (May 2019)

Archaeology and Brexit (update: October 2018)

Archaeology & Good Planning (sustainability, public benefit, place-making, environment)

Archaeology and the relaxation of planning control

Archaeology and the Common Agricultural Policy

News briefings

05 July 2024: CIfA priorities for the new Government

15 October 2020: CIfA CBA - Briefing on Archaeology and the Planning for the Future white paper

24 March 2020: COVID-19 Advice for site working

20 December 2019: CIfA and CBA statement on the 2019 UK General Election

15 November 2018: Joint CIfA and ALGAO guidance on pre-commencement planning conditions changes in England

26 July 2018: CIfA response to the revised National Planning Policy Framework

18 April 2018: Weakening of archaeology provisions in the draft NPPF

22 Feb 2018: EU Withdrawal BIll and archaeology

30 November 2017: Advocacy on the EU (Withdrawal) Bill

18 January 2017: The future of local government archaeological services: CIfA statement on the publication of evidence to the review

16 November 2016: Briefing on the Government's response to the House of Lords Built Environment Select Committee report

3 November 2016: Briefing on the Neighbourhood Planning Bill's Public Bill stage

4 August 2016: Update briefing on the Housing and Planning Act

13 May 2016: Briefing on the Housing and Planning Act's Royal AssentCIfA-CBA - Briefing on Plan Consent & Archaeology for MHCLG