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Professional archaeology: a guide for clients

This guide is aimed at anyone involved in large-scale housing development, infrastructure or power-generation projects who needs to meet the requirements of legislation or policy that relate to archaeology. It explains what you need to do and why you need a professional archaeologist to help you through the process. Following this guide will increase your chances of reaping benefits from your archaeological work and avoiding some of the possible hazards of working in the historic environment.

Involving professionally accredited archaeologists early in your project

  • assures you that the work will meet your needs and the needs of the public
  • ensures you have the right skills in place to understand and meet your obligations and opportunities
  • helps you plan your resources

For those involved in smaller-scale extensions and house builds, please refer to our guide Archaeological works: a guide for construction companies and householders

Professional Archaeology: a guide for clients 2024

Theme: Sustainable futures: archaeology and social value

Professional archaeology: a guide for clients 2024 (flipping-page book))
Hosted on our publishers website.
Sustainable futures: archaeology and social value case studies (PDF)


If you are interested in advertising in the Client Guide, please contact Cathedral Communications who can offer you a direct and cost-effective means of reaching those responsible for controlling fieldwork, conducting research, formulating policy and for specifying a wide variety of procurement within UK archaeology. Email cifa [at] cathcomm.co.uk

Past editions

Professional archaeology: a guide for clients 2023 (flipping-page book))
Hosted on our publishers website.
Managing Archaeology: evaluation techniques that reduce uncertainty case studies (PDF)

Professional archaeology: a guide for clients 2022 (flipping-page book))
Hosted on our publishers website.
Buildings archaeology and development case studies (PDF)

Professional archaeology: a guide for clients 2021 (flipping-page book))
Hosted on our publishers website.
Innovations: new ways to deliver social value through archaeology case studies (PDF)