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CIfA 2024


CIfA2023 Nottingham

CIfA2024 - Legacy

24 & 25 April 2024
Crowne Plaza Chester Hotel + post-conference online recordings

CIfA2024 is sponsored by Towergate Insurance

CIfA is delighted to announce that the CIfA2024 conference will be hosted over Wednesday 24 April & Thursday 25 April 2024.

We are hosting CIfA2024 as an in-person conference, hosted live in Chester, UK and there will be post-event online recordings also available.

There will be two full days of engaging content incorporating keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions and training workshops in a live in-person environment.  If you are not available to attend in-person, do not worry you will have the option to watch the recorded content in your own time.



Opening address

The Foundations of Archaeological Data: how stable are they?

Good Natured Progress; working with nature in improving the resilience of habitats and water systems to create a legacy of balanced ecological and historic environments

If we build it, will they come? Long term visions within short term work streams

The future of archaeology in forestry in the UK: maximising opportunities or focusing on threats?

Improving syntheses of development-led archaeology: the role of collaboration across the sector to promote the concept and secure resources

Published legacies: alternative approaches to fieldwork publications


Exploring the legacy of innovation in archaeology - risk vs reward

Heritage Crime; prevention, investigation and enforment developments & opportunities

Beyond the dig: working with volunteers to advance our understanding of the historic environment and enhance its care

New techniques in development-led archaeology

Making it last: Achieving sustainable legacy in public archaeology

Changing roles and legacies in archaeology

Resilience and realignment: the agency of heritage professionals within the framework set by multidisciplinary design and engineering consultancies

Closing Keynote Plenary

What to expect? 

Archaeology is about legacy, the decisions we make and the actions we take now impact whether and how future generations access, interact with and benefit from their historic environment. They determine who the archaeologists of the future will be and they influence how archaeology is perceived and valued by policy makers and by society.  In the face of significant environmental, social and economic challenges, they may even determine whether there is a future for our discipline and our profession.

Our conference is the premier professional archaeological conference in the UK, attracting hundreds of participants across the heritage environment sector.


Bursary information and applications

Bursaries are open and accepting applications. We have a number of bursary options available to assist with the cost of registering or attending CIfA2024, providing places for over 20 attendees. To find out more about the bursaries that are available as well as how to apply, please see further details on our bursary page here.

Sponsorship & exhibitor applications

We are now accepting bookings for sponsors and exhibitors within our exhibition hall. We look forward to welcoming our exhibitors back in full force to the CIfA conference.

CIfA2024 Sponsorship & Exhibitor Brochure

CIfA2024 Sponsorship & Exhibitor Booking Form

Registration fees and deadlines


Live in Chester


Online Recordings only

  Early bird
(until 31 January)
Late registration
(from 1 February)
  Early bird
(until 31 January)
Late registration
(from 1 February)
CIfA member - 2 day conference £230 £240   £100 £110
CIfA member - 1 day conference £115 £120   N/A N/A
Student/unwaged - 2 day conference £100   £50
Student/unwaged - 1 day conference £60   N/A
Non-member - 2 day conference £360 £380   £180 £190
Non-member - 1 day conference £180 £190   N/A N/A

CIfA24 Fringe

As part of the annual CIfA 2024 Conference we are hosting a fringe online event on Tuesday 16th April   11.30 - 13.00   'Dismantling legacies and collectively building new ones - breaking barriers and bias in archaeology'   register now for free.



CIfA has been working with our conference venue to provide accommodation rates for our delegates, so please follow this link here and to book a room at the Crown Plaza, Chester. The rates and availability is limited, so book your place early, otherwise Chester has a range of accommodation centrally to suit all budgets.


Please view the full programme below including timings, speakers, session descriptions and venues.

View the CIfA2024 Annual Conference - Legacy schedule & directory.

Further information

Please see our conference FAQs for further information; this page will be updated as the conference approaches. If you have any additional questions or would like any more information on CIfA2024, please don’t hesitate to contact our team on: conference@archaeologists.net Keep up to date with the latest conference news via our eBulletin and on social media: #CIfA2024.


CIfA is dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, age, religion, nationality, education, experience, career or speciality. By registering to attend CIfA you confirm you have read our CIfA online conference harassment page and understand that any form of harassment, discrimination and bullying is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.


CIfA aims to be as accessible and inclusive as possible and further information on online conference accessibility can be found here. If you have any requests or suggestions for how we can make the conference more accessible for you, please do get in touch at conference@archaeologists.net.