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  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 34 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of includes/bootstrap.inc).
  • Notice: unserialize(): Error at offset 2 of 35 bytes in variable_initialize() (line 1255 of includes/bootstrap.inc).


25 â€“ 29 April 2022
Apex City of Bath Hotel + online

CIfA is delighted to announce that the CIfA2022 conference will be hosted from Monday, 25 April - Friday, 29 April 2022.

Encouraged by the success of our first digital conference in 2021 and the gradual safe return to live events, we intend to offer our 2022 conference as an integrated week-long live and digital conference experience. Our hope is that our hybrid programme will continue to encourage the accessibility of the conference by offering the flexibility to attend online or in person at the Apex City of Bath Hotel, UK.

CIfA2022 will incorporate keynote addresses, wide-ranging sessions and training workshops in an integrated live and virtual forum. Across the week of the conference, we will discuss current professional issues, showcase new developments, and present research in archaeology and the wider heritage sector. Our conference is the premier professional archaeological conference in the UK, attracting hundreds of participants across the heritage environment sector.

CIfA2022 conference programme

CIfA2022 is trialling an entirely digital programme to reduce our conference carbon footprint. Please find the programme linked here.


Our aim is to explore how archaeologists make a difference: to people's lives, to the practice of archaeology, to the places where we live, work and socialise and to our profession. We want our sessions to showcase great archaeology, to stimulate debate, and to look at where archaeologists are generating new knowledge, understanding and contributing to the big questions of our time.


Opening address

Introduction to Streams 1 & 2

Celebrating 50 Years of archaeological prospection

Integrating public benefit, social value and sustainable development goals

Delivering skills and education in a post pandemic world

The best of the last two years... but has CovID given us an opportunity for communicating archaeology in a better way?

Challenging why and how we do archaeology, and where we might add more value

Pushing boundaries – what are we willing to risk to find a new and better way of working?

In our nature? Providing integrated archaeological advice in a changing world


Find out more about the CIfA digital events platform.


In moving to a hybrid format for the CIfA 2022 conference, our aim is that our programme will improve the accessibility of the conference, whilst shielding participants; particularly those who may be at risk or vulnerable, from COVID-19.

To find out more about the bursaries that have been awarded as well as the generous sponsors behind them, please see the bursary page.


Cadence, our online conference platform, provides a forum for participants to socialise while attending the conference remotely. For those attending in Bath, there will be a drinks reception and optional dinner on Wednesday evening. For further information on the live social programme, please click here.

Travel and accommodations


Great Western Railways offers £41 return tickets from London Paddington to Bath Spa for conference delegates.

  • confirmation of conference attendance is required to purchase this fare
  • the conference fares are only available to delegates. You will be asked to produce a confirmation by the train manager
  • conference fares are available from most stations on the GWR network
  • outbound tickets are fixed, times and dates cannot be changed. The return journey is fully flexible
  • conference fares are only available via GWR.com


Accommodation in Bath is varied, but limited. Please book your accommodation soon to ensure you are not left disappointed. We have an accommodation booking site through Visit Bath, but this is by no means a complete list. There are a number of hotels, B&Bs, and hostels. Additionally, Bristol is a 10 minute train ride away.

Terms and Conditions

All registered conference attendees have agreed to fairly rigorous terms and conditions as part of the registration process. These relate to CIfA's anti-harassment policies as well as COVID health and safety. If you need to refresh yourself on the T&Cs, please review them here.

Further information

Please see our conference FAQs for further information. If you have any additional questions or would like any more information on CIfA2022, please don’t hesitate to contact our team on: conference@archaeologists.net Keep up to date with the latest conference news via our eBulletin and on social media: #CIfA2022.