CIfA works proactively to build networks and establish trust with politicians, civil servants, sector bodies and key bodies beyond the sector. We then work with these networks when archaeology faces threats or opportunities, for instance, on reform of legislation or policy that affects planning, the environment, or education and skills.
CIfA has a remit that enables us to represent all aspects of archaeological practice. To do this effectively we draw on the expertise of our professional membership and work with our Registered Organisations, as well as sharing and collaborating with other organisations that serve more specific interests in the sector.
CIfA’s Board sets the Institute’s advocacy objectives following guidance from the Advisory Council. There is potentially far more work than the Institute can expect to achieve, so we prioritise pragmatic activity on those areas or issues which present the greatest threat or opportunity, often according to initiatives and other timetables outside our control. Advocacy work may be undertaken independently or in collaboration with other bodies.​
Download the Advocacy Objectives PDF
A UK-wide focus
CIfA’s advocacy work is predominantly focused within England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales, because that’s where most of our members’ and staff’s expertise lies. As CIfA’s non-UK membership grows, its non-UK advocacy is expected to grow proportionately. Most recently, CIfA Deutschland have agreed to advise the Board on German objectives.
Issues & Objectives
Our principal objectives are
- to maintain or improve the protection and management of the historic environment
- to maintain or advance the quality of archaeological work, to make it better for everyone (particularly through planning or other processes that manage change to the historic environment)
Our advocacy objectives relate to relevant issues such as
- protecting and enhancing local authority services
- planning reform
- promoting the use of accredited professionals
- environmental management
- marine licensing and management
- infrastructure regulation
- immigration, skills, and training provision
CIfA’s objectives are purposefully broad to allow the Institute to react to legislative and policy opportunities.